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Eyelid Tumor

Eyelid Tumor

They are masses formed by abnormal growth of cells in the eyelid. They can be benign or malignant. The most common type is basal cell carcinoma. It can cause swelling, redness or color change around the eye. Treatment is usually surgical. Early diagnosis is important. Eyelid tumor may cause vision loss. It is necessary to consult a doctor. These tumors require regular check-ups.

What are the symptoms of eyelid tumors?

Eyelid TumorA noticeable mass or swelling on the eyelid is one of the most common symptoms. This mass may be painful or painless. An abnormal deformity, asymmetric appearance, or turning inward or outward may be observed on the eyelid. Persistent redness, itching, or irritation in the eyelid area may be a sign of a tumor. It can put pressure on the tear duct, causing constant watering or dry eyes. Eyelid tumor may affect the visual field and lead to vision loss or impairment.

If there is a wound on the eyelid that does not heal, a crust, or a constantly bleeding area, attention should be paid. As the tumor grows, pain or a feeling of pressure on the eyelid may increase. A change in color, dark or irregular pigmentation on the eyelid may be a sign of a tumor. Eyelid tumor symptoms When noticed, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. Early diagnosis increases the success of treatment and prevents complications.

What Causes Eyelid Tumors?

The sun's harmful UV rays can cause DNA damage to skin cells. In thin and sensitive areas such as the eyelid, this damage can cause cells to multiply uncontrollably, leading to tumors. The risk is especially high in people who do not use sunscreen. In the family eyelid tumor Genetic predisposition plays an important role in individuals with a history of the condition. Some individuals may be more prone to the condition due to genetic mutations that are present at birth. The majority of tumors are associated with skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma. This type of cancer is usually caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma can also cause tumors.

Individuals with weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to infection and cancerous cell growth. People with HIV/AIDS or those taking immunosuppressive drugs are at risk. Long-term exposure to chemicals can damage skin cells. This can trigger the development of tumors in sensitive areas, including the eyelid. With age, the ability of skin cells to renew themselves decreases. This can cause damage to the cells to accumulate, increasing the risk. Long-term inflammation and irritation of the eyelid can cause the cells to multiply abnormally. This can sometimes eyelid tumor may pave the way for its formation.

How Are Eyelid Tumors Treated?

Eyelid TumorThe size, shape, and location of the tumor are evaluated by the doctor. A tissue sample from tumors suspected to be malignant is sent for pathological examination. If necessary, MRI or CT scans are performed to evaluate the relationship of the tumor to structures around the eye. Most eyelid tumor, surgically removed. Surgical intervention usually aims to completely clean the tumor by removing healthy tissue borders. Mohs surgery is preferred especially for malignant tumors such as basal cell or squamous cell cancer. This method allows the tumor to be examined instantly by removing layer by layer. The tumor is completely cleaned while healthy tissue is preserved.

Plastic surgery techniques can be applied to repair tissue loss after removal of large tumors. If surgical intervention is not possible or the tumor is not completely removed, radiotherapy can be applied. This method allows malignant tumors to shrink or be destroyed. In benign tumors or small malignant tumors, the tumor can be destroyed by using low-temperature freezing. Systemic or local chemotherapy is used to destroy cells at risk of metastasis. Immunotherapy can help the patient fight the tumor by strengthening their immune system. Eyelid tumor After treatment, it is important for patients to see an eye doctor regularly. These follow-ups usually continue for a long time due to the risk of recurrence of the tumor. Treatment is more successful with early diagnosis. If you notice an abnormal mass on your eyelid, it is important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible.

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